Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thoughts of the Day with Donna: The eyes

Thoughts of the Day with Donna: The eyes: Sometimes just a look, a glance or perhaps a drift off into space speaks a million words.  The eyes will move the soul and pierce you deep...

The eyes

Sometimes just a look, a glance or perhaps a drift off into space speaks a million words.  The eyes will move the soul and pierce you deep, when nothing else will.  You need not speak a word at certain times or moments.  Just allow your eyes and warmth to speak for you and watch how mountains seem to move.  The eyes hold a unique beauty, therefore sometimes it's befitting to say NOTHING!

Thoughts of the Day with Donna: When To Say I Love You?

Thoughts of the Day with Donna: When To Say I Love You?: When is it a good time to say "I love you"?  Should these precious words be expressed immediately when they are felt or held on to until y...

When To Say I Love You?

When is it a good time to say "I love you"?  Should these precious words be expressed immediately when they are felt or held on to until you feel reciprocation?  They say love is blind and not clearly seen through the eyes of one who is drowning in emotion.  Or is love clearly defined at a particular time, due to inappropriate timing?   Would  you agree?  Don't hold on to this precious emotion if you have been honored to receive it or to feel it.  How else would they know, unless you tell them so.  Words without actions are dead....Actions without words could sometimes be misunderstood.  Tell the one you love that you love them today~

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thoughts of the Day with Donna: If you allow the sun to go down on your day withou...

Thoughts of the Day with Donna: If you allow the sun to go down on your day withou...: If you allow the sun to go down on your day without saying "I love you", or "I appreciate you"...then what?  You then have lost another day ...
If you allow the sun to go down on your day without saying "I love you", or "I appreciate you"...then what?  You then have lost another day of expressing how precious another is to you.  What if the opportunity to do so never came your way again?  Something to think about...You can't rewind the clock of time, however, you can timely express yourself before time runs away from you.     A thought by Lady D~

Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Continue your Fight

Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Continue your Fight: In life there are situations that occur that are mind bottling to say the least.  You have to stay geared up and ready for the ringside matc...

Continue your Fight

In life there are situations that occur that are mind bottling to say the least.  You have to stay geared up and ready for the ringside match that is scheduled to begin when you are least prepared.  How do you prepare for such battles?  Are you one to push aside what's in the way or unimportant and continue to push forward, if you can?  Or will you step inside that ring, put on your gloves and gear, look that fight in the eyes, and began your bout?  Or will you consider your fight a defeat due to cowardly fears and thoughts?  Just because you are caught off guard without a plan of defeat, don't consider yourself beaten.  The fight has to stay strong within you, even when you have fear.       ~Lady D/Donna Smith, "Continue your fight", May 2012~