Sunday, July 22, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Watching the sunset is always a beautiful thing wh...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Watching the sunset is always a beautiful thing wh...: Watching the sunset is always a beautiful thing when doing it with someone that's special and who's enjoying the moment just as much as yo...
Watching the sunset is always a beautiful thing when doing it with someone that's special and who's enjoying the moment just as much as you are. You both captivate a moment that is so uniquely designed for the both of you. Hand in hand, soul touching soul and minds connecting to minds. Love is a beautiful thing. Cherish yours today~Lady D
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Sometimes we think that life is passing us by and ...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Sometimes we think that life is passing us by and ...: Sometimes we think that life is passing us by and that we don't have time to do the things that we would like to do in a timely manner. We ...
Sometimes we think that life is passing us by and that we don't have time to do the things that we would like to do in a timely manner. We put off yesterday what could be done today. Always taking for granted that another day or another opportunity will allow us to pick up the pieces. However, this may not be the case. Stumbling blocks should not cause you to procrastinate or to give up now and try again later. Keep it pushing TODAY~For tomorrow is not promised. Your mindset tomorrow may be on an entirely different level than today. Remember, that's it's your ball game. You can either play ball or sit in the bleachers and wish for something to take place. However, the game may never get started waiting on others or assuming that the show will go on. Go do it now~Every second counts. A thought by Lady D~
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Emotions
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Emotions: Do men or women guard their emotions? Why do they do so? Are you guilty of guarding your emotions? If so, let's hear it~ Lady D atcha w...
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Do men or women guard their emotions? Why do they do so? Are you guilty of guarding your emotions? If so, let's hear it~
Lady D atcha with her thoughts of the day~
Lady D atcha with her thoughts of the day~
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery: Hey everyone, the sales are in so much demand for my new CD release "Lady D ~ Special Delivery", that the Mp3 download for the full CD on ...
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Ten Steps to loving yourself:Believe in yourself...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Ten Steps to loving yourself:
Believe in yourself...: Ten Steps to loving yourself: Believe in yourself. Put YOU first. Don't let anyone rain on your parade. Compliment yourself. Follow y...
Believe in yourself...: Ten Steps to loving yourself: Believe in yourself. Put YOU first. Don't let anyone rain on your parade. Compliment yourself. Follow y...
Ten Steps to loving yourself:
- Believe in yourself.
- Put YOU first.
- Don't let anyone rain on your parade.
- Compliment yourself.
- Follow your passions
- Give yourself ME time.
- RESPECT yourself.
- DON'T settle.
- Stand up for what you believe in.
- Don't let others determine what's best for you, YOU determine what's best for YOU.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: LoyaltyLoyalty is one's word, actions, deed and ...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Loyalty
Loyalty is one's word, actions, deed and ...: Loyalty Loyalty is one's word, actions, deed and commitment to being there for you and because of you. It comes not only in the form of "...
Loyalty is one's word, actions, deed and ...: Loyalty Loyalty is one's word, actions, deed and commitment to being there for you and because of you. It comes not only in the form of "...
Loyalty is one's word, actions, deed and commitment to being there for you and because of you. It comes not only in the form of "conditions", however in the form of their word being their bond. Not only doing so when things are good, but when things are bad as well. There is no hesitation in thought in regards to that person (s) being there for you when needed. If they say they "got you", they "got you"! Loyalty is a commitment to having your back regardless of the sacrifices one makes or endures. No one can speak upon loyalty genuinely without bringing forward actions in doing so. Loyalty is true Love~ How loyal are you?
A thought by Lady D/Donna Smith/June 2012.....Loyalty
Loyalty is one's word, actions, deed and commitment to being there for you and because of you. It comes not only in the form of "conditions", however in the form of their word being their bond. Not only doing so when things are good, but when things are bad as well. There is no hesitation in thought in regards to that person (s) being there for you when needed. If they say they "got you", they "got you"! Loyalty is a commitment to having your back regardless of the sacrifices one makes or endures. No one can speak upon loyalty genuinely without bringing forward actions in doing so. Loyalty is true Love~ How loyal are you?
A thought by Lady D/Donna Smith/June 2012.....Loyalty
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Check Yourself~
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Check Yourself~: Sometimes checking yourself is the best thing to do, when you have fallen off course. Having that talk with self, reassessing and weighing w...
Check Yourself~
Sometimes checking yourself is the best thing to do, when you have fallen off course. Having that talk with self, reassessing and weighing what's good or bad. What could you change about you or your direction, right this moment if your had the chance? That inner conscious, has beat you down and you know that you are way off the mark. You make promises and confess your mishaps and such, however you still fall off that horse. You need to check yourself right then and there. Falling off is not the problem, it's what you gone do once you have fallen? Have a conversation with SELF! In your quiet place, all alone, CHECK yourself and then ask God for his help and see what a difference the day brings~ A thought by Lady D/Donna Smith "Check Yourself"/June 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Sometimes you just have to exhale and reflect. Re...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Sometimes you just have to exhale and reflect. Re...: Sometimes you just have to exhale and reflect. Relationships are a challenge or can sometimes take you to a level of meaningful comforts....
you just have to exhale and reflect. Relationships are a challenge or
can sometimes take you to a level of meaningful comforts. Which way
does being a part of a relationship take you?
Is letting go in a relationship easier for women or men, when they are unhappy? Happiness in a relationship is geared towards what and whom in your opinion? Are we responsible for our own happiness or is the responsibility placed on others?
Is letting go in a relationship easier for women or men, when they are unhappy? Happiness in a relationship is geared towards what and whom in your opinion? Are we responsible for our own happiness or is the responsibility placed on others?
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Touch Me There~
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Touch Me There~: Touch Me There As you touched me there, I felt your heart encircle me like a volcano engulfing a whole block with one twirl. My girl ...
Touch Me There~
Touch Me There
As you touched me there, I felt your heart encircle me like a volcano engulfing a whole block with one twirl. My girl purred as you took me to new heights of excitement. Who are you, how are you able to make me feel so damn wonderful? I would dream of this wonderful feeling, however the magic hands of that one, had no face. Now I see you, feel you and welcome your touch. Touch me there again, would you..this time let your touch linger, as I began to quiver.
With you, it takes little effort and I am there, my goodness I feel you....I want you here everyday right by my side, touching me, there.....can I have that?
Shhhhh, don't answer now, just touch me there........
"Touch Me There"/Donna Smith (Lady D)/copyright 05/2012.
With you, it takes little effort and I am there, my goodness I feel you....I want you here everyday right by my side, touching me, there.....can I have that?
Shhhhh, don't answer now, just touch me there........
"Touch Me There"/Donna Smith (Lady D)/copyright 05/2012.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Why Settle?
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Why Settle?: Why settle for less than you are worth in any and all that you do? Are you doing yourself an injustice in doing so? What will it take ...
Why Settle?
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Special Moments
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Special Moments: Special moments spent with yourself is important. There is always pleasure in getting to know the person that you are beyond what you per...
Special Moments
Special moments spent with yourself is important. There is always pleasure in getting to know the person that you are beyond what you perceive imaginable. You are important! Give to others what you can of your time, however, you have to carve out precious time for self. When was the last time that you bought yourself flowers, a gift, a lovely dinner or a movie and popcorn? Why wait on another to help you feel like a million bucks and refreshed? Their gestures should come as a compliment, not a validation. Go now, start today, spending some precious pampering time with you. You deserve it.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Bloom Like the Spring Time~
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Bloom Like the Spring Time~: Spring Time Bloom.....just as special as the blooming of this precious flower, is the course that you chose to take in your life. It's up...
Bloom Like the Spring Time~
Spring Time Bloom.....just as special as the blooming of this precious flower, is the course that you chose to take in your life. It's up to you, to spread like the bloom of this lovely flower, or to continue closed off to the possibilities of something greater. Take the steering wheel to your life or continue to ride in the passenger seat. The choice is yours.......A thought from Lady D~
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: The eyes
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: The eyes: Sometimes just a look, a glance or perhaps a drift off into space speaks a million words. The eyes will move the soul and pierce you deep...
The eyes
Sometimes just a look, a glance or perhaps a drift off into space speaks a million words. The eyes will move the soul and pierce you deep, when nothing else will. You need not speak a word at certain times or moments. Just allow your eyes and warmth to speak for you and watch how mountains seem to move. The eyes hold a unique beauty, therefore sometimes it's befitting to say NOTHING!
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: When To Say I Love You?
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: When To Say I Love You?: When is it a good time to say "I love you"? Should these precious words be expressed immediately when they are felt or held on to until y...
When To Say I Love You?
When is it a good time to say "I love you"? Should these precious words be expressed immediately when they are felt or held on to until you feel reciprocation? They say love is blind and not clearly seen through the eyes of one who is drowning in emotion. Or is love clearly defined at a particular time, due to inappropriate timing? Would you agree? Don't hold on to this precious emotion if you have been honored to receive it or to feel it. How else would they know, unless you tell them so. Words without actions are dead....Actions without words could sometimes be misunderstood. Tell the one you love that you love them today~
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Feeling Good!
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Feeling Good!: Feeling good about yourself starts from within, and then your glow with be seen and your warmth will be felt amongst the rest. Who says you...
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery: A whisper is a whisper, a look is a look~a stare is a stare, however spoken word is a gift. To bring life to words in a magical way that mo...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery: Hey everyone, the sales are in so much demand for my new CD release "Lady D ~ Special Delivery", that the Mp3 download for the full CD on ...
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: If you allow the sun to go down on your day withou...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: If you allow the sun to go down on your day withou...: If you allow the sun to go down on your day without saying "I love you", or "I appreciate you"...then what? You then have lost another day ...
If you allow the sun to go down on your day without saying "I love you", or "I appreciate you"...then what? You then have lost another day of expressing how precious another is to you. What if the opportunity to do so never came your way again? Something to think about...You can't rewind the clock of time, however, you can timely express yourself before time runs away from you. A thought by Lady D~
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Continue your Fight
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Continue your Fight: In life there are situations that occur that are mind bottling to say the least. You have to stay geared up and ready for the ringside matc...
Continue your Fight
In life there are situations that occur that are mind bottling to say the least. You have to stay geared up and ready for the ringside match that is scheduled to begin when you are least prepared. How do you prepare for such battles? Are you one to push aside what's in the way or unimportant and continue to push forward, if you can? Or will you step inside that ring, put on your gloves and gear, look that fight in the eyes, and began your bout? Or will you consider your fight a defeat due to cowardly fears and thoughts? Just because you are caught off guard without a plan of defeat, don't consider yourself beaten. The fight has to stay strong within you, even when you have fear. ~Lady D/Donna Smith, "Continue your fight", May 2012~
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery: Lady D Special Delivery....get your copy or download now on CD
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery: GET YOUR COPY OR DOWNLOAD NOW. CD D Special Delivery~
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Just Do It!
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Just Do It!: Once you have decided to make a move or transition in your life, just do it! Procrastination brings upon confusion. Once confused, your ...
Just Do It!
Once you have decided to make a move or transition in your life, just do it! Procrastination brings upon confusion. Once confused, your steps will not flow as free and easy, therefore causing you to stumble. You are your best deciding factor in regards to what makes you happy and is fulfilling to you. Make it happen. Decide and just do it!
Lady D~
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: It's so difficult to love someone or something for...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: It's so difficult to love someone or something for...: It's so difficult to love someone or something for a long period of time and they not love you back. Therefore, if love is not shared or gi...
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Special Delivery
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Special Delivery: Lady D Special Delivery. Get your copy or download today. Google me 'Lady D Special Delivery". One love~
Special Delivery
Monday, January 30, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: What are your boundaries regarding giving yourself...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: What are your boundaries regarding giving yourself...: What are your boundaries regarding giving yourself to someone else in regards to love? Who determines how much of you to give? Is love wei...
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Appreciate
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Appreciate: A moment of enjoying life's blessings is better than no enjoyment at all. We sometimes take for granted the things that mean the most to us...
A moment of enjoying life's blessings is better than no enjoyment at all. We sometimes take for granted the things that mean the most to us. Figuring that all will be there for you in the same way, perhaps the next day. What nonsense~Enjoy and appreciate each and everyone that crosses your path and makes a difference. What's here today, could very well be gone tomorrow. Appreciate~A thought by Lady D~
Sunday, January 22, 2012
What do you see?
When you look into the mirror, what do you see? Is it a reflection of miles traveled or tomorrow's hopes and dreams? Do you see the reality of what has become and wonder if you can change or alter the reflection that's bouncing back at you? Your own self image is what generates a magnitude of energy that says, "hello world, I Am Somebody"! ~ That reflection is merely the outer image of you and does not show your inner core. Reach deep within, as you look at your own image. Stand tall, proud, and let your beauty shine inside and out, as you look at your image in that mirror.
A thought by Lady D~01/22/2012
A thought by Lady D~01/22/2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery: Get your copy of Lady D Special Delivery. Poetry and Music at it's best. You will love the escape that it presents before you. The words ...
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Keep Loving You
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Keep Loving You: Do you love you as much as you should? If not, work on that immediately. It starts with you and you only. Let no one, rain on your parade...
Keep Loving You
Do you love you as much as you should? If not, work on that immediately. It starts with you and you only. Let no one, rain on your parade~A thought by Lady D~Keep loving you and keep that radiant smile shinning~
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Stumbling
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Stumbling: In life we stumble, however, only the strong get back up and fight. Don't let your stumble keep you from achieving what's in your heart to ...
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery
Thoughts of the Day with Donna: Lady D Special Delivery: Get your copy of Lady D Special Delivery. Poetry and Music at it's best. You will love the escape that it presents before you. The words ...
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