Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sometimes we think that life is passing us by and that we don't have time to do the things that we would like to do in a timely manner.  We put off yesterday what could be done today.  Always taking for granted that another day or another opportunity will allow us to pick up the pieces.  However, this may not be the case.  Stumbling blocks should not cause you to procrastinate or to give up now and try again later.  Keep it pushing TODAY~For tomorrow is not promised.  Your mindset tomorrow may be on an entirely different level than today.  Remember, that's it's your ball game. You can either play ball or sit in the bleachers and wish for something to take place.   However, the game may never get started waiting on others or assuming that the show will go on.  Go do it now~Every second counts.  A thought by Lady D~

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